As residents of a democratic nation built upon economic models of capitalism and free market systems, personal income is our greatest asset.  Without a regular paycheck, we wouldn’t be able to live as we are so accustomed.  We wouldn’t be able to provide the same food and shelter for our families or education for our children.  We wouldn’t be able to travel like we do or even afford the most modest of societal pleasures like cellular phones and trips to the movie theater.  Without a steady income, most of us would be financially “dead” – slaves to poverty and meager government assistance.

So we can all agree that being employed and bringing home a paycheck is generally requisite for life in America.  Yet, millions of working-age adults have lost their ability to make an adequate living due to illness or injury.  Many Americans become disabled, either suddenly or gradually, every year by a multitude of causes, and most don’t maintain safeguards like disability insurance or proper savings vehicles to support their lifestyles and the everyday needs of their families.  They become the “living dead”, remaining heavy consumers without producing satisfactory income.

In these days of negligible interest rates, savings and retirement accounts don’t do enough in the way of long-term financial support for those who need to generate capital sufficient to survive.  The most significant financial protection for those who work for a living in this country is manifested by personal disability insurance.

Most Americans think their bodies are stronger and more resilient than the reality – the human body is fragile and we are all vulnerable to disablement.  The average American is three times more likely to become totally disabled during their working career than die during that time.  But we still feel invincible.

Other common complaints from consumers are that disability coverage is too expensive and that policies are too complicated.  Income protection is pricey, but the alternative of financial ruin at the hands of premature disablement is far more devastating.  Personal budgets and DI products can be finessed to find a comfortable balance between premiums and benefits.

Regardless of your preconceptions, I want to work with you.  I believe in the disability products that are available to consumers out there.  They can provide you with worthwhile protection and reliable benefits when and if necessary.